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Sunday, 12 July 2015

Introduction to Alternative Energy

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Alternative Energy is an energy supply that is alternate to the conventional Fossil Fuels.These alternatives are meant to address worries about such fossil fuels.
Alternative energy refers to energy sources that don't have any unsought consequences such as in case of fossil fuels. Energy sources that are renewable are thought to be "free" energy sources. all of them have lower carbon emissions, compared to traditional energy sources. These embody Biomass Energy, Wind Energy, alternative energy, heat, electricity Energy sources. Combined with the utilization of employment, the utilization of different energies like the house use of alternative energy systems can guarantee man's survival into the twenty first century and on the far side

Why there is a need of conventional fossil fuel alternatives?

Our planet produces greenhouse emission (Carbon dioxide)  that's discharged to the earth’s atmosphere and which can still be there in 100 years time.This inflated content of greenhouse emission will increase the heat of our planet and is that the main reason for “Global Warming Effect”.The need of the hour is to move towards the alternative energy sources which should be cheap and of  higher performance, however don't emit greenhouse emission.

alternative energy

How much alternative energy sources should contribute?

Till 2050, one-third of the world's electricity will need to come from wind, sun and other renewable assets. 
Who says? 
"British Petroleum and Royal Dutch Shell",  of the arena's largest oil businesses. Climate exchange, population growth, and fossil fuel depletion imply that renewables will need to play a larger function in the future than they do today.

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